A herd of about five wild elephants foraging for food have raided crops in the Central Highland province of Dak Lak.


Secretary of the Party Committee of Ea Kiet commune, Cu M’gar district, Nguyen Tuan Anh said on March 20 that the commune is seeking measures to address the consequences.

Locals in Ea Kiet commune said the elephants have been living in a forest area managed by the Buon Ja Wam forestry company for many days. 

In the evening, the elephants raided fields and destroyed a large number of crops.

Local people used every means to chase the elephants away by beating pans and burning fires, but they just left until the next morning.

Anh said the elephants flocked to the commune every year to seek food, especially in the dry season when the food in the forest is scarce.

The communal People’s Committee has coordinated with Cu M’gar district’s rangers to guide locals to chase the elephants back to the forest without killing them.