VietNamNet Bridge - The cooperation between FPT, the nation’s largest information technology group, and Vinamilk, the nation’s biggest dairy producer, has raised the public's curiosity.


Vinamilk will open two milk retail points at FPT Shop under a cooperation agreement signed between the two sides. 

The cooperation will allow Vietnamese to ‘go to phone shops to buy milk’. Some have commented on forums that they cannot see any relation between a technology firm and a dairy company. However, analysts said that the involved parties have reasons to do this.

The aim of all business cooperation deals is to optimize the resources of involved parties. In May 2016, when Vietjet and Coca-Cola signed a cooperation contract, the two sides hoped to increase the number of clients for Vietjet and improve the sales of the drink manufacturer. 

Analysts commented that the image of Coca-Cola in the international market will also help polish Vietjet’s brand.

Mutual benefits are also what FPT and Vinamilk target.

FPT now has 356 shops throughout the country, located in advantageous positions, with good performance. 

As such, FPT’s large distribution network alone can bring two important benefits to Vinamilk. First, Vinamilk can expand its sale network without the need to spend time and a lot of money. If the cooperation succeeds, Vinamilk will have 356 more sale points. Second, Vinamilk will obtain potential clients from FPT.

Mutual benefits are also what FPT and Vinamilk target.

Though Vinamilk and FPT operate in two different fields, they still have common characteristics. Both of them target clients aged from 25 to 34, who, according to Google, are the biggest smartphone users. The customers at these ages are financially able to buy high-tech devices.

Though people aged 16-24 are the biggest smartphone users, they can only buy smartphones with parents’ money.

In general, people marry and have children at the ages of 25-34. Therefore, they are also target clients for Vinamilk.

An analyst said that every customer who buys phones from FPT should be given a box of Vinamilk products for free.

There is a growing tendency worldwide for technology firms to jump into business fields which can bring money to them.

In late 2014, Google, a technology giant, for example, launched Google Express, a delivery service. Meanwhile, Toshiba and Fujitsu have begun growing vegetables.

In Vietnam, The Gioi Di Dong, known as the largest hi-tech product distribution chain, plans to sell vegetables, fruit and fresh meat. 

Therefore, it would not be unusual if FPT cooperates with Vinamilk to sell milk. It may consider selling other products as well.

Chi Mai