Vietnamese women’s masters tied with No 5 seed India in the fifth round match of the Chess Olympiad in Baku, Azerbaizan, yesterday.

Vietnamese chess team.

Women’s Grandmaster Nguyen Thi Mai Hung outplayed International master Sachdev Tania, who has a better Elo rating in board 3.

IM Pham Le Thao Nguyen and WGM Nguyen Thi Thanh An tied with GM Dronavalli Harika and Swaminathan Soumya, respectively.

WGM Hoang Thi Bao Tram, however, suffered a loss to IM Rout Padmini in board 2.

The Vietnamese have, so far, failed to find any team that can beat them in the competition. The squad, which ranks No. 12, will next play against No 7 seed Poland.

Meanwhile, on the men’s side, Vietnam lost 1-3 to No 6 seed England.

Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son and Le Quang Liem drew against their opponents, while Nguyen Anh Khoi and Dao Thien Hai lost.

Vietnam, seeded No 48, will next meet South Africa.