The Vietnam National Museum of History in Hanoi will exhibit its collection of around 100 red lacquer trimmed with gold wooden artefacts from the 15th century, starting June 20.


A statue dated back 19th century.

The artefacts include statues and altar decorations with parallel sentences carved on wood and painted with lacquer from the Le and Nguyen dynasties (1427-1945), which was the golden era for wood carving in the country. The art of wood carving has its roots in the over 2,000-year-old Dong Son civilisation.


An ancestral tablet in the collection. Courtesy photos of the museum

The antiques are not just masterpieces by talented artisans, but give insight into the  aesthetic values and life view of people, as well as into the historical, artistic, traditional and religious values of the time.


A wooden bell in the collection.

The exhibition will also have photos and videos on handicraft villages around Hanoi, such as Kieu Ki Village in Gia Lam District and Son Dong Village in Hoai Duc District.

The exhibition will open at the museum, on No. 1 Trang Tien Street, on June 20 and will run till November.