The number of Vietnamese workers holding college and university degrees or higher accounted for 21.39 percent of the labour force in the last quarter of 2016, up 0.41 percentage point from a quarter earlier and 1.19 percentage points year on year.


Staff members of Lozi, a start-up online food review community, at their office.

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs and the General Statistics Office announced the information in Hanoi on March 29 as part of their latest labour market bulletin.

According to the report, the labour market in the fourth quarter of 2016 saw positive changes with decreasing employment rate in the agro-forestry-fisheries sector, increasing average salaries of paid workers and falling unemployment rate.

Paid employees earned a monthly salary of 5.08 million VND in average, an increase of 143,000 VND from the third quarter of 2016 and 412,000 VND from the same period of 2015.

The average monthly incomes of paid employees also varied in regions and sectors. The paid workers living in urban areas received the highest monthly payment of about 6.03 million VND while those working in finance, banking and insurance earned the highest.

Enterprises in Vietnam looked for people to fill in more than 224,000 positions during the last quarter of 2016, down 20,600 from the third quarter, and 87.3 percent of which were from non-state companies.

Some 64 job placement centres across the country organised 336 matching sessions during which 780,000 people were provided with career consultations and about 242,000 of them got jobs.

In the first quarter of this year, the labour force is forecast to slightly expand by 0.7 percent year-on-year and the employed population is estimated to number 53.19 million, down 0.39 percent compared to the last quarter of 2016.

The rate of paid employees will slightly increase, accounting for 42.3 percent, while workers in the agro-forestry-fisheries sector will decrease softly. The unemployment rate is predicted at 2.13 percent.