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The HCM City National University on December 22 publicized the results of a survey on the recruitment demand of employment units in four cities/provinces in the eastern part of the southern region.

The survey aimed at identifying recruitment demand in the four localities, which would be used for reference when creating higher education plans.

The research team gave a questionnaire with three major matters – the characteristics of employing units; their recruitment trend; and their requirements on candidates. 

The survey was conducted from August to November 2023.

The research team received replies from 1,779 employment units, including 1,692 businesses and 87 state agencies. Of these, employment units in HCM City accounted for the largest proportion (58.18 percent), while the figures were 19.2 percent for Binh Duong, 15.46 percent for Dong Nai and 7.14 percent for Ba Ria - Vung Tau.

The businesses mostly operate in the fields of manufacturing and processing industry, and trade and consumer sector (57.95 percent of total employment units). 

More than 77.5 percent of surveyed employment units had medium and small scale (with less than 300 workers), and most of them were foreign invested and non-state owned enterprises (82.47 percent of total surveyed enterprises).

Sixty-seven percent of the employment units said they prioritize candidates graduating from the HCM City National University. Of these, the HCM City University of Technology has the highest recruitment priority rate (24.41 percent), followed by other member schools of HCM City National University, including the HCM City University for Social Sciences and Humanities (10.9 percent), University of Information Technology (10.38 percent) and International University (7.48 percent).

The starting salary that most employment units offer to candidates with bachelor’s degree is VND5-10 million a month, while some accept to pay VND10-15 million. Meanwhile, the pay of VND10-30 million is mostly offered to candidates with a master’s degree or doctorate.

Regarding the candidates’ level of response to the requirements of the employment units, their attitude was the most appreciated. Meanwhile, candidates' knowledge and skills are at a ‘good’ level. In-depth analysis showed that attitude is the factor that employment units pay highest attention to, followed by knowledge and skills.

Regarding the requirements on candidates’ skills and attitude, employment units want ‘honesty’ and ‘loyalty’. Also, employers also want workers with ‘self-discipline’ and ‘diligence in work’, ‘sense of responsibility’ and ‘spirit of making progress and accepting challenges.

Le Huyen