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Prof Vu Khieu and his family members

Author and chief editor of 90 books

The author and chief editor of 90 books is the late Prof Vu Khieu's (1916-2021) real name was Dang Vu Khieu, former Deputy Chair of the Vietnam Committee of Social Sciences, and former Deputy General Director of the Vietnam News Agency (VNA). He was awarded the Hero of Labor in the Doi Moi (renovation) period title in 2000 and received the first Ho Chi Minh Prize for Social Sciences in 1996.

Born into an academic family with a tradition of Confucianism, Khieu directed and conducted many famous research projects on culture and social sciences, with thousands of written pages collected in 90 works with high scientific value. Even at the age of 100, he still wrote books with great enthusiasm. The professor is considered the ‘great old tree’ of the Vietnamese social sciences.

Eminent epidemiologist with 95 research projects

The late Professor and Doctor of Science Dang Duc Trach (1930-2004) was a leading vaccine researcher in Vietnam. He was awarded the title of Hero of Labor in the Doi Moi period in 2006. He was a People's Doctor, received the State Award for Science and Technology (in 2000) for his great contributions to the development of Vietnam’s medicine. He is the author of 95 scientific research works.

He was Deputy Director of the Central Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, former President of the Vietnam General Medical Association, an 11th National Assembly Deputy. He was also President of the Medical Association of Southeast Asian countries.

The country's medical and pharmaceutical community cannot help but mention his great contributions in the field of bacterial vaccines, especially the creativity and innovation shown in the BCG vaccine technology to prevent tuberculosis.

He was an excellent student and close colleague of the late Minister and Labor Hero Pham Ngoc Thach in the field. The vaccines for typhoid, cholera, tetanus, pertussis and diphtheria used today for millions of children were initiated, invented and created by him.

It may be a surprise that an underdeveloped country in many fields like Vietnam also has such a brilliantly developed vaccine industry, bringing many practical results. The Diarrheal Disease Prevention Program and the Expanded Immunization Program, which he chaired for many years, helped to reduce morbidity and mortality rates. Many diseases no longer exist in society.

Trach was a truly brilliant scientist, and one of Vietnam's leading immunologists and bacteriologists. 

He successfully built a network of bacteriology and immunology laboratories at the Central Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Pasteur Institutes, at central and provincial hospitals, and at preventive health centers in provinces and cities which have existed for many decades. The laboratories he built help to quickly and accurately diagnose pathogens, promptly responding to epidemic prevention and control.

Hanh Thien villagers take pride in their village which is over 600 years old. The village has changed its name several times, from Ho Xa Village to Hanh Cung Trang and Hanh Thien now. 

In the near future, the Keo Hanh Thien Pagoda Festival will be organized in the ninth month of the Lunar Year on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the village being named Hanh Thien by King Minh Mang (1823-2023). This is a village with rich culture and good traditions in patriotism and eagerness for learning.

Hanh Thien’s people awarded glorious titles

Hanh Thien is among the rare villages that have many individuals and collectives awarded glorious titles by the State.

The Party Committee and people of Xuan Hong commune were awarded the title of the Hero of People's Armed Forces during the anti-French period.

The Gold Star Order was awarded to the late Party Committee’s Secretary General Truong Chinh; and former deputy chair of the National Assembly Dang Quan Thuy.

The Order of Ho Chi Minh was given to former head of the Central Committee for Science and Education Dang Quoc Bao; Lieutenant General Dang Kinh (former Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army); and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Culture Dang Xuan Thieu.

The village has had 11 NA deputies, 5 Heroes of People's Armed Forces, 2 Labor Heroes during the Doi Moi period, and 14 Vietnamese heroic mothers.

Four individuals received the Ho Chi Minh Prize, five received state awards, five received the title of People’s Doctor, 9 the People’s Teacher award, and one the People’s Artist title.

Quoc Phong