Two young artists from Da Nang and Dak Lak province are heralding summer with their art exhibitions in HCM City. 


Young artist Phạm Trần Việt Nam of Đà Nẵng finds red is the best way to show his admiration of modern life at Văn Tế Thập Loại Chúng Sinh (Prayer for Ten Types of Wandering Souls) in HCM City’s The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre. Photo courtesy of the organiser

Each of their works in different media tackles the subject matter of life and love in various ways, but the underlying themes of admiration and reality are constant.

Phạm Trần Việt Nam of Đà Nẵng finds red is the best way to show his admiration of modern life. He uses vivid reddish-yellow and vermillion colours to highlight his feelings about the challenges people face today.  

Ten of his paintings at the event, called Văn Tế Thập Loại Chúng Sinh (Prayer for Ten Types of Wandering Souls), feature faces of women and men expressing different feelings. Some pictures portray faces of evil.

He said he was inspired by the popular poem of the same name, also called Văn Chiêu Hồn (Writing for Wandering Souls), by Nguyễn Du, a famous writer in the 17th century.

Nam places his paintings on the walls and the floor. 

Artist Trương Công Tùng of Đắk Lắk works are featured in Nơi Giữa Sự Phân Mảnh & Cái Toàn Thể (Between Fragmentation and Wholeness), featuring the relationship between the universe and humans.

According to Tùng, he found inspiration from The Wholeness and the Implicate Order, a book by David Bohm, a distinguished physicist in quantum theory.

Tùng’s exhibition will close on June 30 at Galerie Quỳnh at 118 Nguyễn Văn Thủ Street in District 1.

Nam’s Văn Tế Thập Loại Chúng Sinh at The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre at 15 Nguyễn Ư Dĩ Street in District 2 will run through July 13. — VNS