VietNamNet Bridge – On the sidelines of the National Assembly, Deputy Minister of Construction Pham Hong Ha, former Party Secretary of Nam Dinh, said that the election of young provincial Party Secretaries like Da Nang and Kien Giang is the result after implementation of personnel planning.

How does the mechanism of three ages in leadership as stipulated by Party regulations take effect?


Deputy Minister of Construction Pham Hong Ha.

The age structure at three levels in leadership aims to ensure the smooth transition between generations. For local leaders, the concern about the ability to undertake the position, the appointment and selection process is very normal.

In a community, there are many different opinions but through the selection of the majority, the right choice will be made.

Moreover, the young generation is increasingly proving their stuff and experience. Certainly the young officials will create new vitality, new working styles and new results.

Some young officers have been screened, assessed for being promoted to the leadership positions. I am very confident in the qualification and capability of young officials. I’m sure that they will undertake the assigned tasks well.

Coming from families with a political tradition is a characteristic of some young officials who were recently elected to key positions in some provinces. What do you think about this factor?

I do not worry about the history, background of their family. Our personnel task is conducted under a very closed process so for the factor that some people think to be a certain advantage, I believe that it is only a worry.

The final assessment of the capacity of officials is their qualification and quality. If they do not complete their task, that official will not be allowed to be in their positions. In some aspects, the advantages in terms of family background does not influence the selection process of personnel.

As a former provincial Party Secretary, what is important for local leaders, especially the young?

It is the capacity and quality, not the age. The age is a factor to consider, but not the most important.

In some periods we had very young local officials. The former Chairman of the National Assembly – Mr. Nguyen Van An – was elected as a Provincial Party Secretary at the age of 39-40.

Thu Hang