The young man with blue eyes

When Hao turned 7, his father died, and the mother had to raise the children in poverty. When she got money, she took Hao to hospital to have his eyes examined.

There was no serious problem with Hao’s eyes. Hao had blue eyes, similar to his mother Vu Thi Luu, 47.

“My grandmother also brought my mother to many hospitals for medical examination, and no reason was found, and she just lived on the spiritual belief that my mother was okay,” Hao said.

“I also received medical examination, but doctors say that there is no problem with me,” Hao said. “They (the doctors) say I have very beautiful eyes."

In his childhood, Hao did not know he had uncommon eyes. Only when a relative called him "the boy with blue eyes" did he realize that he had unusual eyes for a Vietnamese. He gazed at himself in a mirror and knew that his eyes did not resemble anyone else.

One day 12 years ago, Hao’s story appeared in the newspaper and the boy became better known.

At that time, he walked from home to school, which was 10 kilometers away. Sometimes he was lucky when successfully asking for a lift. On one day, he asked for help from a journalist.

An article was written and published by the journalist. Many benefactors felt sorry for the boy. They came to see him and gave material and mental support. With support, Hao made every effort to better himself in life.

After finishing high school, Hao went abroad to study hotel and restaurant administration and returned home after graduation. However, he could not find a job and had to look for other ways of earning his living.

Hao had a small camera he had bought before to serve his study. He learned to take photos and shoot for online documents and seniors. Now he has a stable income after two years of working.

The young man revealed that he once had two beautiful loves, thanks to his blue eyes which made the girls love him "at first sight".

Ngoc Lai