Chairman of the Group of Young National Assembly Deputies Le Quoc Phong has expressed his wish to continue exchange and experience sharing with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophone (APF) to raise mutual understanding.


During the talks in Hanoi on March 27 between the Group of Young National Assembly Deputies and young APF parliamentarians, Phong said the Group rallies the support of youth organisations and young parliamentarians worldwide, contributing to realising the Party and State’s external policy. 

It also serves as a forum to share experience and professional expertise, he said. 

Speaking highly of the young Vietnamese NA deputies’ activities, Belgian parliamentarian Bruno Lefebvre said the talks aim to gain an insight into the Vietnamese counterpart’s role and performance, thereby enhancing mutual understanding. 

Both sides discussed ties between the Vietnamese legislature and the APF over the past years, shared experience in law building, rights and duties of lawmakers, as well as issues of shared concern such as sustainable development, equitable growth, start-ups and support for young people in the field, and the rate of female legislators. 

During talks with the delegation of young APF parliamentarians in the afternoon the same day, Chairwoman of the NA’s Committee for Social Affairs and Chairwoman of the APF’s Vietnam Sub-Committee Nguyen Thuy Anh expressed her wish that APF would launch a number of projects to assist the Vietnamese NA in popularising French language teaching for legislators.