Me Tri village in Nam Tu Liem district, Hanoi, has made young sticky rice flakes for over a century, helping this specialty become a characteristic of the capital city once the autumn comes.

Young sticky rice is the ingredient of this delicacy
Me Tri villagers produce young sticky rice flakes in two rice harvest seasons each year, from the second to the fourth lunar months and from the seventh to the 10th lunar months
Fifty families in Me Tri earn their living from making the Hanoi delicacy at present
Plucking grains off the ears is the first step to make rice flakes
Most people in Me Tri village have now used machine to make rice flakes, and only few produce by hand
Young sticky rice is spread on a yard to dry
Unhusked rice is then washed and prepared to be roasted
Local residents said in the peak season, their whole families join hands in making rice flakes, and they have to work continuously from 4am to 10pm
Rice is roasted over a small fire and stirred constantly
Once the green grains become white, release fragrance and easy to be husked, it is the end of the roasting step
After rice is husked, it will be pounded
The last step is to sift the pounded rice, and people can only have the finished product after rice is sifted for three times
Young sticky rice flakes are wrapped in lotus leaves to keep their softness and fragrance
The specialty is sold at 160,000 – 180,000 VND (6.9 – 7.7 USD) per kg in Me Tri village