The growing trend is taking place strongly in Vietnam. Currently, up to 53 percent of intellectual staff have participated in the Gig economy involving the exchange of labour for money between individuals or companies via digital platforms that actively facilitate matching between providers and customers, on a short-term and payment-by-task basis.

Yesterday, Anphabe held a conference to announce the list of the 100 Best Places to Work in Vietnam in 2021. The survey program was conducted by Anphabe under the sponsorship of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI). As a result, Nestlé Vietnam was voted to be the best place to work in Vietnam 2021 for the first time.

At the conference, Anphabe published an in-depth report on the big shifts in the Southeast Asian country. It is about three notable changes in Vietnam's human resources in the current volatile period.

According to Managing Director and Inspiring Happiness at Anphabe Thanh Nguyen, combined working has been popular. Moreover, young intellectual people prefer freelance work. Finally, mass layoffs and job-hopping are on the rise.

Accordingly, more intellectual staff want a hybrid form of work - A hybrid work model allows some employees to work from home while others work on-site. Hybrid has been heralded as the future of work. The trend has been popular after the pandemic around the world and Vietnam is no exception.

According to the results of an online survey conducted by Anphabe, only 40 percent of knowledgeable workers want to return to the office completely whereas up to 56 percent of them prefer to choose a hybrid work. Notably, 4 percent of them chose to quit their job to switch to freelance work and thus have the flexibility to choose where to work.

The hybrid work model creates flexibility in working time and location, saving travel and eating costs and creating a comfortable feeling for employees.

Some businesses required employees to go to work during the social distancing restriction, largely due to the nature of the work; however, several senior leaders are accustomed to employees’ presence at the office.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that the percentage of employees who want to quit their jobs to become freelance workers at these enterprises is the highest, two times higher than the group of employees who can work from home and three times higher than the group that can work at home and at their office during the social distancing restriction.

Hybrid work is a clear trend of the future, especially for office teams whose nature of work can be completed at multiple locations. Accordingly, businesses want to attract and retain talented people, they must consider applying this new working trend, suggested Ms. Thanh Nguyen.

In the coming time, due to the impact of Covid-19, the number of full-time freelancers is expected to decrease by 1 percent to 13 percent; but the number of part-time freelancers will increase, bringing the total number of knowledge human resources in Vietnam participating in the Gig economy to 57 percent clearly demonstrating this trend.  

Moreover, young intellectual people prefer freelance work; plus, mass layoffs and job-hopping are on the rise.    

There has been an ongoing paradox in human resources. That is despite the high unemployment rate, the employee turnover rate is also extremely high - up to 6 out of 10 people are actively looking for new work. This paradox has been seen across the Americas, Europe, Asia and now Vietnam, with the common name of the Great Resignation - also known as the Big Quit, an economic trend in which employees voluntarily resign from their jobs en masse, beginning in early 2021.

Experts predicted with the prolonged effect of Covid-19, not only the "super job-hopping" group but also the standard group of employees are also prone to falling into a state of fatigue, fluctuating and they will decide to leave. Therefore, businesses need to take care of employees’ health to overcome this difficult period, as well as limit unfortunate losses for the organization.

Source: Sai Gon Giai Phong

Youth prefer freelancing, working from anywhere

Youth prefer freelancing, working from anywhere

As technology is developing at a lightning speed, more and more young people want to give up their dedicated desks in offices and work from anywhere in the world.