The photo was taken on Cam Lo - La Son Highway on March 8 (Photo: VietNamNet)

In 2014, the Noi Bai – Lao Cai Expressway with a section from the 123rd kilometer to the 262nd kilometer+300 (Yen Bai – Lao Cai) was put into operation. The move caused controversy among the public because there was no hard median strip on the two-lane section.

From the National Assembly’s Hall to social networks, experts, journalists and drivers discussed the highway and risks when driving on the road section.

After a catastrophic accident that occurred on Cam Lo – La Son highway route, a series of articles and posts on social networks were published, which pointed out problems and risks for drivers on section where there is no hard median strip or emergency lane.

Why have these highways, with many problems, still been put into operation? The answer lies in the current investment mode – investment in phases, which means that instead of building entire highways with all necessary supporting items at once before putting them into use, the highways are built and developed in different stages. 

Highways are opened to traffic after basic items have been completed, and upgrading occurs during the use of the highways.

Those who support this investment method believe this is the best solution for Vietnam, which has limited financial capability, because it reduces 30-50 percent of investment costs and mobilizes capital in different phases.

They think the different in phases will be suited to traffic volume in different periods. As the traffic volume now is just 5,000-6,000 cars per day, two-lane highways will be usable, especially in mountainous and difficult areas.

But other experts don’t think this is a good choice. It is true that 30-50 percent of costs can be saved in the first phase of investment compared with development of highways at one time and not in phases. However, in the second phase of investment, the capital will be higher by no less than 30 percent.

They also pointed out that Vietnam needs to have a long-term vision when developing highways. 

When designing highways, agencies must not use the current traffic volume of 5,000-6,000 vehicles per day, but must anticipate the traffic volume tens of years afterwards. 

It is a taboo to develop highways in accordance with the principle that highways are expanded gradually as the traffic volume increases, because it is too costly and leads to serious consequences.

On February 19, 2024, Vu Quy, director of the Ho Chi Minh Road Project Management Board under the Ministry of Transport (MOT), the developer of La Son – Cam Lo Highway, said the highway is part of the 11 component projects of the North-South Expressway project in 2017-2020. 

This means that the design of the highway was made in 2017 with reference to statistics about resources and traffic volume in 2017. Therefore, in the first phase of the highway development, only two lanes were designed.

Some officials may argue that highways with two lanes for two sides also exist in developed countries, including the US, Japan and some European countries. However, the experts pointed out that such highways only exist on routes with little traffic. Moreover, very strict requirements are set for drivers on these highways to ensure safety.

Vietnam aims to have 3,000 kilometers of highways by 2025 and 5,000 kilometers by 2030. This puts pressure on the transport sector, but developing highways in phases is not a good choice.

When financial capability is not good enough to build multiple highways at the same time, it would be better to gather strength to build prioritized highways and complete the projects at once, such as the North-South Expressway in the eastern part. 

Later, the development of less urgent expressways, such as Cao Bang – Lang Son, Hoa Binh – Moc Chau and Cho Moi – Bac Kan, should be considered.

The highways should not be developed everywhere, in every province. Highways should be built only when they bring effects to socio-economic development.

On February 15, 2024, or three days before the serious traffic accident occurred on the Cam Lo – La Son Highway, the Government Office released the Prime Minister’s conclusion that highway network development must be implemented with a long-term vision, with at least four lanes, an emergency lane, hard median strips, and designed speed of 80-100 kilometers per hour.

Nguyen Huy Vien