
The image of a 99-year-old woman visiting her 90-year-old sister has deeply moved many people.

The clip shows the two elderly sisters, with their white hair and bent backs, engaging in a lively conversation and showing great affection for each other despite being separated by a locked gate. The younger sister cannot hold back her tears as her older sister visits.

The video, shared on TikTok, has garnered over 2 million views and thousands of comments expressing admiration for the deep bond between the sisters.

The video was recorded by Mai Thu Trang, the granddaughter of the 99-year-old woman, Mai Thi Tiep. It was filmed on the morning of July 7 when Trang took her grandmother to visit her 90-year-old sister, Mai Thi Can, in the same village in Nga Son, Thanh Hoa province.

Mrs. Tiep, the elder sister, remains healthy and mentally sharp at 99, while Mrs. Can, the younger sister, has been suffering from dementia for the past two years, necessitating the gate to be locked for her safety. Despite this, Mrs. Tiep regularly visits her sister, sometimes walking the short distance between their homes.


Mrs. Tiep (left) remains lucid and healthy while Mrs. Can (right) has been suffering from dementia for the past two years.

The heartwarming interaction between the sisters has touched many, with viewers commenting on the enduring love and care evident in their relationship. Trang often shares videos of her grandparents on TikTok, and she plans to continue doing so to preserve these precious memories.

Trang expressed her happiness at having her grandmother and noted that her grandmother serves as a unifying force within their family, strengthening the bonds among siblings and relatives.

This touching story highlights the importance of family and the deep connections that endure even into old age.

Thanh Minh