The use of AI to predict the source of energy will also play an important role in the whole system.
EVN Chair Duong Quang Thanh told the 2022 National Power Science and Technology Conference that the total electricity installation capacity of Vietnam is 78,300MW, of which renewable energy accounts for 26.5 percent. EVN implemented digital transformation very early to take full advantage of digital technologies in production, business, investment and construction of EVN and its subsidiaries.
Mai Quoc Hoi, deputy chair and secretary general of the Vietnam Power Association, said Vietnam has to both ensure sufficient electricity for socio-economic development and energy transformation as committed at COP 26, to reduce net emissions to zero by 2050.
The urgent issue for the power sector is improving and optimizing efficiency of the operation of the national electricity grid.
Nguyen Quoc Trung, deputy director of the National Load Dispatch Center, said the center has used AI to monitor rooftop solar power. The monitoring is carried out at every 100KV station of every provincial power company for medium and low voltages.
AI will provide detailed rooftop solar power forecasting data with the resolution level of 15 minutes for 14 upcoming days.
A tool to calculate power generated from satellite image radiation data and forecast capacity is being used for rooftop solar power systems at each 110kV substation in 63 provinces and cities across the country.
“Most of the predicted values have errors of ±20%, a few forecast points have errors exceeding 20 percent but still within 25 percent, and none of the forecast points have error distribution graph PE percentage greater than 50 percent," said Nguyen Quoc Trung about Al usage in forecasting rooftop solar power capacity.
According to Thanh, EVN has studied and approved a digital transformation plan with the aim of completing digital transformation in 2022 and becoming a digital enterprise by 2025.
In the repair, maintenance and use of equipment, the group has used advanced methods such as Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) for plants and Condition-based maintenance (CBM) for the national grid. 100 percent of 110kV substations are unmanned stations.