The first one is in Bang Ca Commune, Hoanh Bo District. At nearly 500 meters above sea level, five large rocks are stacked on top of each other. They protrude from the mountainside, creating a fantastic picture. The craggy cliff has so far inspired tourists to explore.

The second overlapping cliff is in Binh Khe Commune, Uong Bi City. This cliff is located in the Ngoa Van relic site, where sacred vestiges of Buddhist King Tran Nhan Tong are kept. Visitors have to go trekking and cross the forest for more than three kilometers to enjoy the scenic view of the cliff.

Tourists find a way to climb the cliff
The natural scenic view of the mountain
A tourist enjoys the view from the top of the mountain
Yen Lap Lake is located at the foot of the mountain
An adventurer stands on the craggy cliff to take photos
Ben Chau Lake is located at the foot of Ngoa Van-Yen Tu Mountain
The three-kilometer trail to the overlapping cliff on the mountain
Visitors must negotiate through reeds and dense trees
Rocks on the steppe located halfway up the mountain
Magnificent unspoiled landscape on Ngoa Van-Yen Tu Mountain
Large rocks stacked on each other create a unique shape
The ideal viewpoint on the mountain
Nature has turned the rocks into exciting sightseeing

Source: Saigon Times