VietNamNet Bridge - The VND66 billion Ba Lai Dam in Ben Tre province helps prevent saltwater from going to the upper course, the freshwater area, but is now creating problems that need VND900 billion to fix.


The Ba Lai dam was put into operation in 2002 to prevent saltwater intrusion, retain fresh water and clear alum. It was part of the project on upgrading 115,000 hectares of natural land.

Ba Lai has fulfilled its functions. Nguyen Thanh Hung in Thanh Tri commune of Binh Dai district, who lives in the freshwater area, said that thanks to the dam, farmers have fresh water to use and irrigate plants, thus harvesting better crops.

However, while the dam brings benefits to rice farmers, it is not welcomed by shrimp farmers. Also according to Hung, many households in the area have to drill wells to get saltwater for shrimp hatcheries.

The local authorities have many times asked farmers to stop drilling wells, but the profit from shrimp farming is too attractive.

The local authorities have been aware of the risk, but they are in a dilemma. If they increase the frequency of water discharges, this will help ease sedimentation, but will kill blood cockles, leading to a conflict of interests.

With a shrimp pond covering an area of 2,000-3,000 square meters, a profit of VND300-400 million can be made. Coconut farmers can earn tens of million of dong for one hectare.

“I made a profit of VND800 million from shrimp farming last year and VND100 million from 1.5 hectares of coconuts,” a farmer said.

Pham Van Son, who lives in the lower course, or the saltwater area, complained that farmers gave up salt production when the Ba Lai dam was set up.

“Freshwater is discharged twice a month, for 1-2 days each time. So, saltwater production is now impossible,” he said.


As the Ba Lai Dam only discharges water one or two times a month, it has caused sedimentation in the lower course.

Ho Ngoc Hau, deputy director of the Ben Tre Irrigation Work Exploitation, the sedimentation has become serious over the last three years.

The local authorities have been aware of the risk, but they are in a dilemma. If they increase the frequency of water discharges, this will help ease sedimentation, but will kill blood cockles, leading to a conflict of interests.

The local authorities have decided to implement a project on dredging Ba Lai River on a section 23 kilometers long. An official of the provincial agriculture department said the project will need VND900 billion and may be implemented within 5.5 years.

A report of the provincial People’s Council shows that riverbed sedimentation is occurring at a rapid rate with the river bottom now two to three meters shallower than before. Therefore, dredging the river is a must.


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