Nguyen Dong Khai, a 12-year-old boy from Bac Ninh Province, defies physical challenges every day as he nurtures his dream of becoming a doctor to help others.
Born in Phu Village, Ninh Xa Ward, Thuan Thanh Town, Khai is currently a sixth grader at Ninh Xa Secondary School. Unlike other children, Khai was born without arms, a congenital condition that posed immense challenges for his family and himself.
Overcoming challenges with determination

Despite his physical limitations, Khai approaches life with optimism and extraordinary resilience. He attends school like any other child and has consistently earned recognition for his academic achievements.
During a visit to Khai’s home, he greeted visitors politely and, with the help of his grandmother, quickly changed out of his school uniform to start his homework. Using his feet with remarkable dexterity, Khai flipped through the pages of his notebook and carefully wrote each word with precision.
Khai’s grandmother, Phan Thi Tuoi, shared the emotional journey of raising him. “When Khai was born, the doctors told us about his condition a day later. It was devastating for the whole family,” she recounted.
At the age of three, Khai’s grandfather began teaching him to write with his feet. The initial attempts were fraught with difficulty.
“He would press the chalk so hard that it often broke, and his stiff toes refused to cooperate,” Tuoi recalled. Khai's early writing sessions left his toes blistered and bleeding, but his perseverance never wavered.
Over time, Khai mastered the art of writing with his feet. His handwriting became neat and well-aligned, a testament to his relentless effort.
Academic achievements and community support

Khai’s hard work has paid off in numerous ways. By the fourth grade, he had won second place in a school-wide competition for neat handwriting. That same year, he also received a runner-up award in an online book introduction contest organized by the Department of Education.
His teacher, Nguyen Thuy Tien, describes him as a diligent and intelligent student who actively participates in class. “Khai completes all his assignments despite his condition. He’s smart and gets along well with his classmates,” she said.
At home, Khai’s father, Nguyen Van Thinh, recalls his son’s early milestones with pride and emotion. “By the age of two, Khai was already speaking fluently and could use his feet to play games and feed himself. When he started kindergarten, all I wanted was for him to be able to play and learn alongside other children, and that wish came true with the help of dedicated teachers,” Thinh said.
However, raising Khai has not been without heartache. “He would often ask, ‘Dad, why don’t I have hands like my friends? Will they grow back someday?’” Thinh recalled tearfully. Despite the pain, he chose to be honest with Khai, helping him accept his condition and focus on his strengths.
A dream of helping others

When asked about his aspirations, Khai confidently expressed his desire to become a doctor. “I want to study hard so I can help people,” he said with determination.
Local authorities, including Ninh Xa Ward Chairman Nguyen Xuan Cu, have acknowledged Khai’s remarkable spirit.
“Khai was born into a disadvantaged family, but his intelligence and perseverance have allowed him to achieve so much. His story is an inspiration to us all,” Cu remarked.
Through the unwavering support of his family and community, Khai continues to prove that no obstacle is too great to overcome with resilience and hope.
Bao Khanh