The vacant lot where the buffalo attack occurred in Ho Chi Minh City’s Binh Chanh District. (Photo: HC)

Authorities in Vinh Loc A Commune, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, have confirmed an incident in which two men were gored by a buffalo and had to be hospitalized.

The attack occurred at noon on February 22 in a vacant lot on Lien Ap 234 Street.

Hearing cries for help, nearby residents rushed to the scene and found two men injured. Not far from them, three buffaloes stood nearby, including a mother buffalo with long horns.

Upon questioning, the injured men stated that they had been attacked by the buffalo.

What led to the attack?

The mother buffalo with long horns that injured two men. (Photo: HC)

According to initial investigations, the two men were fishing with electric shock devices near the area and began provoking the buffalo. The mother buffalo, which had recently given birth, charged at them, inflicting injuries.

Local emergency responders provided first aid before transporting the victims to the hospital.

The owner of the buffalo has since contacted the victims to arrange medical compensation. Representatives from the commune's administration and police have also visited the hospital to check on the victims’ conditions.

As of now, one victim has been discharged, while the other remains under medical care.

Authorities have confiscated the victims’ electric fishing equipment, which is illegal, and are investigating potential violations that may have contributed to the incident.

Tuan Kiet