The Da Nang Department of Construction has proposed building an underground tunnel crossing the Han River, approximately 1.67 kilometers long, to connect Hai Chau District and Son Tra District.
Additionally, a traffic connection project running east-west through Da Nang International Airport has been suggested, incorporating a metro (MRT) system.
Proposed underground metro tunnel through the airport
The proposed tunnel through the airport would span more than 2.9 kilometers and include two open tunnel sections totaling 570 meters, three box tunnel sections totaling 1,450 meters, and a 900-meter tunnel running under the existing runway.
There are two proposed options:
Option 1: An integrated tunnel combining the metro system (MRT) and road traffic.
Option 2: A dedicated MRT tunnel without road traffic.
According to analysis, Option 1 involves high technical complexity, costing approximately 417 million USD (10,000 billion VND), with medium safety and operational feasibility, and limited MRT expansion capability. It is, however, well-suited to the current airport infrastructure.
Option 2, meanwhile, is technically simpler, costing about 313 million USD (7,500 billion VND), offering high safety and operational standards, easier MRT expansion, but with medium compatibility with the airport infrastructure.
The Department of Construction recommends not combining the MRT line and road traffic in the same tunnel, as their technical standards differ significantly.
The contrasting features of the MRT and road alignment at the tunnel location make structural integration challenging.
Given the current uncertainty about MRT project timelines and the rapid evolution of technology, the final route and technology will be determined during the investment phase.
However, as Da Nang International Airport is undergoing expansion planning, the MRT route should be studied as soon as possible.
Han River underground tunnel proposal
The proposed Han River tunnel would span approximately 1.67 kilometers, including a 600-meter underwater tunnel section, a 380-meter enclosed tunnel on land, and a 415-meter open tunnel.
The tunnel would begin at Dong Da Street (Hai Chau District) and end at Van Don Street (Son Tra District).
The total estimated investment for the Han River tunnel project is approximately 287 million USD (6,880 billion VND), including 163 million USD (3,900 billion VND) for construction costs, 83 million USD (2,000 billion VND) for land clearance and resettlement, and other associated expenses.
Ho Giap