The Central Highlands province of Dak Lak has taken a number of measures to manage, monitor and care for elephants so as to conserve and develop the animals.

The province’s centre for elephant conservation said relevant agencies have guided elephant owners how to care for the animals and reduce the number of days and the load elephants have to carry when they serve tourists in order to ensure their health and lifespan.

The owners were also advised to notify relevant agencies when their elephants have health problems.

Recently, the Dak Lak Elephant Conservation Centre implanted microchips in local tame elephants. Data on each elephant such as height, weight, sex and previous diseases are also recorded to make it easier for managing, caring for and studying tame elephants.

Dak Lak currently has 45 tame elephants, mostly in Buon Don and Lak districts. 

It is also home to five wild herds with about 80 – 100 elephants in total.-VNA