Fishermen near Vung Ang Port are still making big catches despite recent concerns over the polluted discharges from Formosa Ha Tinh into the local water.


Fishermen hauled in a large amount of fish

On February 21, fishermen hauled in a large amount of fish of different types. Traders waited nearby to buy batches of fresh fish. 

A ship owner said their usual daily activities and fishing spots hadn't been affected by the rumour about a strip of reddish water in Vung Ang Economic Zone. 

Thin, a restaurant owner said there was a strip of reddish water on February 17 but it was swept away by the tides. 

"It's a normal phenomenon that occurs every year. It doesn't affect the fish," he said. 

Chairman of Ky Loi Commune Le Xuan Vuong also said fishing boats and traders still come and buy fish. The fishermen haven't had any complaints about the red water or discovery of dead fish.

On February 17, several workers at Hung Nghiep Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Corporation detected a 50-metre strip of reddish water at the Vung Ang Economic Zone. 

Then two days later, a video clip uploaded to Facebook showing a sewer discharging red waste water into an unspecified large body of water.

It is rumoured that the clip was recorded at 10 am on February 17 at Formosa Ha Tinh.

Duong Tat Thang, vice chairman of Ha Tinh Province who is responsible for the Vung Ang Economic Zone denied the rumour and said the Department of Natural Resources and Environment had investigated and concluded that the clip wasn't recorded at Formosa Ha Tinh.
