VietNamNet Bridge - According to authorities in the Central Highlands, loggers are operating in a more organized way and are ready to fight against authorities if they are detected.

Hang chuc nguoi cam hung khi tan cong luc luong chuc nang hinh anh 1

A ranger in Lam Dong province in hospital after being attacked by logger.

In Lam Dong province, the police have identified prime suspects in a recent case in which rangers attacked forest rangers in Lam Ha district.

The incident occurred on August 8. Informed of some people cutting down forest for cultivation in sub-area 243, a group of rangers of Nam Ban protective forests in Lam Ha district went to the site for inspection.

When rangers arrived at the place, they were attacked by a group of armed men. A 49-year-old ranger was stabbed to death on the spot and three others were injured. In addition, seven motorcycles of the authorities were ruined and one rubber bullet gun was robbed.

Also in Lam Dong, on July 1, loggers attacked rangers of Hoa Bac – Hoa Nam forest in Di Linh District.

According to the Hoa Bac forest management board, rangers detected a group of loggers chopping wood in the forest and seized one of them. 

Later, nearly 10 loggers returned with weapons and one gasoline can. They encircled the rangers and threatened to burn them with gasoline if they did not release the arrested logger.

The loggers snatched the key to open the handcuffs for the seized logger and released him and attacked rangers, who had to hide into the forest.

In Dak Lak - another province in the Central Highlands – on January 10, rangers of Yok Don National Park arrested a truck transporting illegal timber. A few hours later, about 20 loggers came back to rob the seized wood and used sticks, stone, and iron tubes to injury the rangers.

On April 25, while guards of Dak N'tao Company Limited were building a commanding post to protect the forest in Dak Lak, about 50 people flocked to the site to dismantle the commanding post and forced the guards to withdraw.

In Gia Lai, on June 2, rangers of Krong Pa district forest protection bureau discovered four people on boat transporting timber. Rangers asked them to stop for inspection. These people attacked the rangers and injured two of them.

The Forest Protection Agency of Dak Lak Province has reported at least 14 attacks against rangers by loggers since last year, including 9 cases in 2015 and seven cases in January-July 2016.

Mr. Nguyen Quang Tung, Director of Yok Don National Park, said each day about 1,000 people entered the park and many of them were loggers or hunters.

Tung said loggers were more organized and they were ready to fight against authorities. In some cases, rangers had to withdraw as they faced big groups of armed loggers. 

Under current regulations, forest management boards and forestry companies are not allowed to use supportive tools such as tear gas sprayers, rubber bullet guns... This rule has prevented forces from fulfilling their tasks as loggers are always equipped with weapons.

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