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Ha Tinh Museum

Update news Ha Tinh Museum

Century-old pottery items found in Ha Tinh

 VietNamNet Bridge – Ha Tinh Museum has announced the discovery of four pottery items created some 800 years ago at a location in Nghi Xuan District, central province of Ha Tinh.

Rare royal bestowal documents found in Ha Tinh

VietNamNet Bridge – Authorities of Ha Tinh Museum have found two bestowal documents issued by a late emperor of Nguyen Dynasty (1802-1945) in the ruins of an old temple in the central province. 

Ancient stone stele found in central Vietnam

 VietNamNet Bridge – A stone stele dated back to the Nguyen Dynasty in the 19th century was discovered at a temple in Duc Dong commune in Duc Tho district of Ha Tinh province.

Antiques dating back to the 14th century found in central Vietnam

 VietNamNet Bridge – Several old pieces of pottery dated to around seven centuries ago were recently found in the central province of Ha Tinh.