Chairman of the Hanoi People's Committee Nguyen Duc Chung said that Hanoi is considering revoking obsolete motorbikes which are among factors causing more serious air pollution in Hanoi.


Chung disclosed the information at a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung on February 17.    

The chairman admitted that Hanoi's environment is now at red alarming level; since 2016, Hanoi has installed 10 air monitoring stations and the figure is expected to rise to 80 by late this year, especially on key roads to cause the cause of air pollution.

According to Chung, the current air monitoring stations showed that exhaust fumes of vehicles are among key reason for the city's air pollution. 

Hanoi is home to 6 million motorbikes, including out-of-dated 2.5 million which are unsafe to be used. 

The capital city will submit the government a plan for confiscating these motorbikes. 

Hanoi is a rapidly growing city with more than 1,000 construction projects presently underway. Metro projects are being carried out in Hanoi, which have also contributed to more serious air pollution as well as traffic congestion. 

Experts warned that if the pressing problem is not properly grasped and addressed, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City might become as polluted as Beijing in the not-too-distant future.

At the meeting, Chung also informed Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung of the city's urban railway project implementation. 

Cat Linh-Ha Dong route is slated for the trial run in September this year, while Nhon-Hanoi Station route is expected to put into operation in the first quarter of 2012. 

These are among the eight urban railway routes that Hanoi wants to build in the future. Chung added that the city is seeking investors for the six remaining routes.
