Hanoi's news

Update news Hanoi's news

Hanoians still living in old, unsafe apartments that need to be rebuilt

Many old apartment complexes in the capital city of Hanoi are seriously deteriorating, scheduled for demolition and reconstruction in the third quarter of 2023.

Parks must be improved for the community

Hanoi authorities plan to “revive” parks in the city next year so that people can benefit from them and have free access to these public spaces.

Hanoi eyes “city-within-city” model

The city wants to keep population growth in urban areas at a sustainable pace and address downtown overcrowding.

Two new cities in north, western part of Hanoi to be created

Two new cities in the northern and western parts of Hanoi would help reduce overpopulation, transport and social infrastructure needs for the city's innermost districts.

World Peace Council’s 22nd Assembly opens in Hanoi

The opening of the 22nd World Peace Council (WCC) Assembly took place in Hanoi on November 22.