Two over-200-year-old trees in the Lo Go – Xa Mat National Park in Tan Bien district, the southern province of Tay Ninh province, have been granted heritage status. 

Heritage title given to centuries-old trees in Tay Ninh

The certificates recognizing the heritage trees were presented on September 6 by the Vietnam Association for Conservation of Nature and Environment (VACNE).

The “dau rai” 269-year-old tree, scientifically named Dipterocarpus alatus , is about 42 metres tall, with a diameter of 6.8 metres and the respective figures of the “ven ven” 215-year-old tree, scientifically known as Anisoptera costata, are 44 metres and 6.3 metres.

Chau Van Van, Director of the Lo Go – Xa Mat National Park, said the park has an area of 19,156 hectares, spanning four communes in Tan Bien district bordering Cambodia.

It is home to nearly 700 species of flora and nearly 400 of species of fauna. Many of them are listed in the Vietnam Red Book and need urgent protection. 
The park also has special values in terms of history, science and education, Van added.

According to Phung Quang Chinh from the Association, the recognition of the heritage trees contributes to the protection of biodiversity of the park, while promoting its tourism value.

The move also helps enhance the public awareness of preserving the environment, thus boosting sustainable socio-economic development of the province.

Up to 2,609 trees had the heritage status, including the over-2,100-year-old Tau (Vatica) tree in Thien Co Mieu, Viet Tri City, the northern province of Phu Tho, and the group of 725 “po mu” (Fokienia) trees, aged between 300-1,500 in Tay Giang, the central province of Quang Nam.