The Department of Information, Microsoft, Vietnet – ICT, and the Dariu Foundation have launched the Hour of Code.


Students at a coding class. 

Hour of Code is a part of Microsoft’s Youth Spark Digital Inclusion project, which has since 2015 become an international project that helps everyone, especially young people, acquire basic knowledge about coding through an hour of interactive learning.

Through Hour of Code, Vietnamese youths will have a chance to join students from over 180 countries around the world to learn about computer science, acquire necessary digital skills for the future and nurture their interest in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

Le Hong Nhi, Philanthropies Lead, Microsoft APAC, said: “Technology has an important role in the development of society, however it also creates inequality between those who have a chance to experience technology and those who do not. Microsoft’s mission is to equip Vietnamese youths with digital skills via a network of teachers, NGOs and partners who have a similar mission and truly care for the future of Vietnamese youth.”

Last year, Hour of Code had outstanding success with the participation of 70,000 students, 400 NGOs and educational institutions and 800 educators and volunteers from 13 provinces and cities.

Hour of Code will go on until December 20, offering prizes worth VND70 million (US$2,993) under various categories to educational institutions like best school, best teacher, most impressive moment and most impressive video. — VNS