The iPhone continues to prove its popularity in Vietnam as thousands of orders were fulfilled when retail stores start selling the device on November 11.


Vien Thong A retailer said they would do their best to meet demands for 8,000 orders. FPT Shop in HCM City said they about 4,000 devices should be sold in the morning when the shop started the ceremony to transfer the pre-ordered phones.

Doan Van Hieu Em, CEO of The Gioi Di Dong Store in District 1 also said they had seen a surge in customers. Em said they wouldn't hold the transfer ceremony but make sure that the service is fast.

"We'll hold a product introduction and customer appreciation programme for buying the iPhone 7 tonight," he said. "We expected to sell 10,000 devices today."

Meanwhile the atmosphere at smaller retail shops such as Hnam Mobile or CellPhoneS was quieter. Big retailers had hoarded most of the products so there's not much left for them. Major mobile network operators are also selling the iPhone 7. Viettel said they would transfer 3,000 pre-ordered phones to customers on November 11.

Most retailers confirmed the popularity of Apple products, especially iPhone 7 Plus this year. 70% of their orders are for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. According to FPT Shop, the order for iPhone 7 Plus in the first day was four times higher than the iPhone 6 Plus.

Retailers are reporting a shortage of iPhone 7 in jet black. Customers also favour matte black colour followed by gold and rose gold. 

It is predicted that by the end of November, nearly 100,000 iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus would be sold in Vietnam.

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