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Do Van Dung, former Rector of the HCM City University of Technology and Education, believes that a digital school must comprise six elements – digital teaching, library, working environment, campus and media and a Big Data center.

Of these, the most important element is Digital Teaching and Learning. In order to have this element, universities need to build MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and have an LMS system (learning management system). In addition, they have to have studios to record lectures and maintain staff specializing in interactive lectures.

As an online lecturer with teaching periods attracting thousands of students, Dung believes that ‘online teaching’ doesn’t always mean ‘digital teaching’.

“Surveys have found that studying on mobile devices such as tablets and laptops cause eye strain after every 7-10 minutes,” he said.

“Therefore, lessons for digital teaching need to be designed in small modules lasting 10 minutes, followed by interactive game exercises. Digital teaching must comply with digital pedagogical principles,” he explained.

The second element, according to Dung, is digital library. Dung believes there is no need to build large libraries and put many books on the shelves. Instead, schools need to buy e-books, materials and digital courses so that students have materials to study.

Many countries are using a National Digital Library model for all students. But in Vietnam, schools buy different learning materials, which is a big waste.

Regarding the Digital Workplace, Dung said it must be digitized and universities must eliminate the manual working method. Instead of printed documents, procedures need to be implemented online, from staff management software to KPI calculation, on the basis of AI application.

To build a Digital Campus, schools need to connect students and lecturers. 

As for Digital Media, this includes internal and external media on social networks. This allows information to spread quickly and helps staff understand each other. Digital marketing will help enroll students.

The last element is a Big Data center. In the digital era, those who have data will be the winners. School leaders will make decisions on analysis of big data.

In addition to building the six elements, universities have to implement six items related to digital university - Digital Dashboard, AI (artificial intelligence) application, adaptive teaching, Internet of Things (IoT), VR (virtual reality) and analysis and prediction.

Dung said Vietnam is still at the very beginning: schools utilize information technology (IT) in teaching, but they don’t take steps to create digital universities. 

Going ahead

Nguyen Xuan Hoan, president of HCM City Industry and Trade University, said in order to have digital university, there must be basic platforms and the first is application of IT. 

His school took the first step towards digital university prior to 2000 when it began using software for training management.

At that time, the concepts ‘digital university’ and ‘digital transformation’ did not exist, and the school just tried to use IT as much as possible in its management work. Also, the school wrote software modules to practice training management.

Since then, the school has been improving software based on suggestions and advice from lecturers and users. When the digitization movement began, the school intensified the application of AI. In 2017, it began building a digital library and digitizing training.

He said that the school is equipping its DataCenter with modern equipment with estimated cost of VND140 billion.


Prof Nguyen Minh Ha from the HCM City Open University recalled the difficult time when the school began going digital. Lecturers then needed time to adapt to the new teaching method. Students were reluctant to study online. It took time to change the management and teaching methods and money to equip the school with digital devices to ensure safety for online classes.

Quach Thanh Hai from the HCM City University of Technology believes that the major problem is the lack of school leaders’ determination to build the digital university model. 

Le Huyen