Dialogue on the development of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) in Vietnam among Vietnamese and foreign enterprises.

Dr. Truong Gia Binh, Chairman of FPT Group

As a revolution means that old things have gone, Mr. Bill Ruh, CEO of GE Digital and Chief Digital Officer of GE, is the father of the new war, naming the revolution the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The FPT Group was fortunate to have the chance join the revolution at its starting point. It is now among those companies receiving the most certification from GE Predix (GE’s platform for the industrial internet) in the world. FPT University is also the first university in the world to sign an academic alliance with GE Digital. We hope that VINASA and other software companies share FPT’s vision and dream that someday Vietnamese companies and Vietnam will stand at the top of digital services.

Mr. Bill Ruh, CEO and Chief Digital Officer of GE Digital

This is my first time in Vietnam. To describe Vietnam briefly in three words: opportunities, opportunities, opportunities. In 1996, only new startups invested in the internet. Most major companies did not want to invest in things that have not really been revealed or really grown. No one believed in internet consumption.

Like the consumer internet before, we now have industrial internet. Large and professional software companies have the best development opportunities in the world. Now is the time to dominate in software. And this is an opportunity for FPT and GE to help all industrial enterprises change. The software industry will become the most valuable and with the greatest opportunities, with expected revenue over the next ten years being up to $6.8 trillion. Industrial enterprises will certainly have to find ways to master their operations through the use of technology solutions to analyze and effectively use the data they own.

During my trip to Vietnam, I also met Petrolimex’s leaders. If Petrolimex improved their performance efficiency by 1 or 2 per cent, their profits would increase dramatically. FPT and GE Digital will share a vision of becoming a leader in the internet industry in the world as well as in Vietnam.

Predix is a technology platform that helps people and machines increase productivity. People are currently instructing machinery to operate, but in the near future machinery will guide people. Future machines will work more efficiently. People will not be replaced, but things will change. Software enterprises will be a bridge for these changes.

Cooperation between FPT and GE will help businesses change and welcome the IIoT trend. FPT and GE will cooperate to make this change. Google changed the advertising industry and Netflix changed the entertainment industry, and GE and FPT will help companies convert and catch the IIoT trend.

Mr. Nguyen Khac Thanh, Dean of FPT University

FPT University wants to bring new technology to change the lives of students and stay ahead of the technology and not just keep up with it. The university’s slogan is “Dream up Innovation”, inspiring our students and all our staff. Through their activities, innovation is in everything it does. With Industry 4.0, we want to change the slogan to innovate, not just dream of innovation, to inspire FPT University to stay abreast of Industry 4.0.

Mr. Pham Minh Tuan, CEO of FPT Software 

We focus on investing in technology solutions and human resources to be ready to work with industrial enterprises to develop intelligent factories.

Mr. Sunil Singh, Chief Information Officer – Indochina Region & Chief Technology Officer – Asia, Bottling Investments Group at the Coca-Cola Company

As a partner of FPT, we expect that in the next ten years, Vietnam will be one of the leading countries in information technology. The problem is how quickly we can deliver new products and solutions. We believe in FPT and we believe in its vision of shaping a new future for Vietnam.

VN Economic Times