The Digital Vietnamese knowledge system, an ambitious Government funded open database similar to Wikipedia, now boasts more than 10,000 articles, alongside 3.5 million question and answers following its launch in January.


Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam chairs the meeting by the Steering Committee for the Vietnamese digital knowledge system on May 17 in Hanoi. 

Of the articles, 3,177 have been published in a ’tree of knowledge’ section, which gathers information on a range of subjects and makes it available for public use. Seven applications have also been made available on the website, including iOS apps and web based apps, which are subject specific, allowing users to search content according to their needs.

The steering committee of the database said at a recent meeting that 15 ministries and State agencies have compiled their ‘list’ of data to be made available on the system’s site ( The Ministry of Health contributed 8 GB of data, the Ministry of Education and Training contributed 2 TB of data, while the Vietnam National University – Hanoi contributed 10,000 entries, 15,000 Q&A entries and said another 15,000 are being prepared for publication.

A number of enterprises have made valuable contributions to the development of the knowledge hub, by uploading their e-books onto the site, as well as helping with data collection and conversion, translating several world-renowned encyclopedias into Vietnamese, or connecting the system to different social media platforms and IT forums.

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam, chairman of the steering committee, said that the success of the project can only be possible with the collective effort of the whole of society.

“We must spread a passion for science and technology, and light the innovative spirits of the whole of society. The project’s methodology must be logical, and science-based,” Dam urged.

“The project will help boost the development of science and technology, as well as innovation in the country, in a completely new way,” he said.

The Deputy PM also called for special attention on the building of open learning materials to help teachers and students to better access quality knowledge.

“The vast number of documents stored at libraries, museums, and in the two in science academies in the country must be digitalised as soon as possible,” he said.

“All State agencies and local authorities have to be proactive in uploading data," he said, "Especially ministries such as education and health, whose data deals directly with the lives of everyday people."-VNA