Infocus Mekong Research, a provider of market research services for Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos, has released its Digital Trends in Vietnam 2017 report, defining what the digital trends are in Vietnam and how to positively impact on their clients’ business.


The report revealed four key findings. Firstly, smartphones are already the No.1 digital device in urban Vietnam, with rural to follow, thus communications and marketing need to catch up to reality and become the No.1 platform nationwide by 2020. 

Secondly, personal SELF FULLFILLMENT driven by consumer “CONFIDENCE” and the convenience of digital is driving purchasing as well as debt culture. 

Thirdly, in Vietnam, social platforms have become a daily means of communications. 

The last key finding is that digital is redefining consumer product awareness and shopping behavior.

The report also showed seven digital trends, as follows:

VN Economic Times