National Assembly delegate Be Trung Anh - Standing member of the National Assembly's Ethnic Council shared about this issue on the occasion of the National Assembly session opened on the morning of May 22.

Reporter: First of all, as a National Assembly representative representing Vietnam's ethnic minority community, please tell us, what have you done and will you do for the community?

National Assembly deputy Be Trung Anh: There are definitely many things I want to do. However, there are limits to the regulations, functions, and duties of a representative. And each National Assembly representative must properly perform his or her functions and duties in official activities. With unofficial activities, I can participate more if I have time and feel appropriate, but whatever I do, the ultimate goal is to improve the lives of ethnic minorities.

National Assembly deputy Be Trung Anh. 

Reporter: The 4.0 Industrial Revolution is taking place very vibrantly globally and also in Vietnam. According to many opinions, in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution, the ethnic minority community is most likely to be left behind. What do you think about these opinions?

I don't think so. Industrial Revolution 4.0 is an opportunity for ethnic minorities not to be left behind. Bill Gates said a very good sentence saying that the Internet is the cheapest technology that makes everyone equal in terms of access to information. Therefore, I think that ethnic minorities and people living in remote areas need to do and thoroughly do their work on the 4.0 platform, taking advantage of every opportunity to the maximum so as not to be left behind. behind.

Reporter: Through the reality that we witnessed in the highlands, especially places with many foreign tourists, ethnic minority children speak English very fluently. What do you think about this fact?

People speak English fluently, which proves that a foreign language is just a normal language. If needed to make a living, using it is not difficult. If ethnic minorities have the conditions, they can also use it. can do well. Making a living is anyone's instinct. Ethnic minorities in Sa Pa all realize that if they can speak English, it will be easier to make money. So here, people have chosen appropriate money-making tools to at least ensure income and life for themselves.

Is behind this journalist's question the question of how to preserve the good cultures of ethnic minorities, including language and writing? In the minds of many people, will ethnic minorities using English affect identity preservation? The answer is “no”. However, to preserve these unique cultures there are many ways, and even many perspectives. Ethnic groups are large enough and their identities can preserve themselves without positive outside influences. And people in general still have to tend to their daily lives. Therefore, we need to be very clear about the specific goals of the ethnic language training policy in ethnic minority areas.

Reporter: So can you talk about information technology factors with ethnic minorities, especially the issue of having ethnic language fonts and percussion?

I completely agree with the journalist's concerns. Some ethnic minorities have written language that requires their own keyboard and font. In fact, the languages of ethnic minorities are being greatly eroded. Therefore, information technology must be used to store and disseminate. So if we can digitize ethnic minority languages in both spoken and written language, it will be a very good thing.

In fact, even though many people do not have any written language, they still use their own language to communicate and exchange information. Therefore, fonts, percussion instruments, and software that converts text into speech and vice versa are essential products to popularize knowledge and propagate the Party and State's policies to ethnic minorities. .

Reporter: The community of ethnic minority intellectuals in Vietnam is also very large with many successful people in many aspects. What do you expect from them for the country in general and for their own people in particular?

I think that any ethnic group has its own intellectual class. And according to statistics, the Cham people have the highest rate of intellectuals in their community in the country. The most important thing is that this intellectual community must operate in an organized manner with clear principles and goals. The leaders of this organization may be the elite and successful ethnic minorities mentioned above. They are typical examples, having a positive impact spreading throughout their ethnic community, to replicate and further develop the quantity and quality of the intellectual team. These ethnic minority intellectual groups are colorful flowers, contributing to the brilliant flower forest of the country's intellectual team.

By the way, I also want to discuss another idea that the journalist raised. I wonder about the phrase “left behind”? Along with this meaning, we still talk a lot about the story that the mountainous areas must catch up with the lowland areas. I think this concept needs to be understood in a different sense, noJust an economic story. Because mountainous areas, remote areas, and ethnic minority areas always have their own values. They have the right to be proud of their default values.

Ethnic identity is a unique characteristic of each nation, it cannot be learned or imitated, but is absorbed from many generations. In fact, the more industrialized and 4.0 urban people become, the more they want to get out of the city and go to the countryside to immerse themselves in open nature and enjoy exploring the rich culture of ethnic minorities. And that is the story of how the city is different from the ethnic minority areas. So this comparison seems like comparing meters and kilograms.

Duc Hoang