iridescent cloud spotted in ho chi minh city sky picture 1
A Iridescent cloud or five-coloured cloud appears in Ho Chi Minh City sky on May 12 afternoon. (Photo: Hong Van)

The phenomenon appeared at around 4pm and was immediately recorded by Facebookers and Tiktokers who then shared the clips through social media.

This was a beautiful and large five-coloured cloud that has not been seen in the locality for the past decades, according to local residents.

Notably, viewers were very excited as the cloud appeared on May 12 that is also Mother’s Day.

According to Wikipedia, cloud iridescence or irisation is a colorful optical phenomenon that occurs in a cloud and appears in the general proximity of the Sun or Moon. The colors resemble those seen in soap bubbles and oil on a water surface. It is a type of photometeor.

This fairly common phenomenon is most often observed in altocumulus, cirrocumulus, lenticular, and cirrus clouds. They sometimes appear as bands parallel to the edge of the clouds.

Iridescence is also seen in the much rarer polar stratospheric clouds, also called nacreous clouds.