The Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) said information technology (IT) parks may be financed with VND40-60 billion by the State budget for their initial development period, according to the IT development plan.


Quang Trung Software Park in HCM City

A seminar on development of IT parks was held by MIC on November 10, where various park representatives presented their development orientations and seek potential investors.

MIC is seeking the Prime Minister’s approval for a master zoning plan for IT park development until 2020 with a vision toward 2025. The plan aims to prioritize funds for State and private investors to develop parks in potential places such as Hanoi, HCMC and Danang.

To Thi Thu Huong, deputy director of the IT Department under the information ministry, said the development of IT parks has faced shortcomings in the past time. Therefore, State agencies and management boards of IT parks need to actively coordinate with investors.

The performance of IT parks has not met the Government’s objectives, according to the ministry.

Earlier, MIC proposed investing VND8 trillion in an IT program in the 2016-2020 period with an aim to develop the IT industry, boost IT applications and ensure information security.

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