To effectively maintain and promote the traditional cultural identities of ethnic groups, many schools have come up with creative ways such as combining between-class activities with cultural activities and folk games. (Photo: Nguyen Ngoc).

The Resolution of the 14th Lai Chau Provincial Party Congress, the term 2020 - 2025, identified the "Program to preserve and promote traditional cultural identities of ethnic groups associated with tourism development" as one of the four key programs.

To effectively preserve the traditional cultural values of ethnic groups in schools, Lai Chau province has focused on building and establishing clubs to preserve and promote traditional cultural identities of ethnic groups in schools.

According to a report from Lai Chau province, after nearly 2 years of implementation, the building and establishment of the Club for preserving and promoting the good traditional cultural identities of ethnic groups in schools has been operating effectively, ensuring high educational quality in accordance with the physiological and psychological characteristics of the age group in high schools.

Many schools have creative ways of doing things. Typically, Than Uyen district has directed 100% of schools to organize between-class activities combined with cultural activities and ethnic folk games for students, creating QR codes to introduce products displayed in the school's cultural space....

The Ethnic Boarding School of Lai Chau province has successfully restored traditional festivals of some ethnic groups, organized culinary competitions to introduce traditional dishes of ethnic groups, held competitions on painting, embroidering typical ethnic motifs on towels, bags... for students

In the 2022-2023 school year, the San Thang Secondary School (Lai Chau City) also organized a club to preserve and promote Giay ethnic cultural identity with 56 members who are officials, teachers, parents and students. This has helped students develop skills to access and exploit local traditional knowledge and cultural capital to absorb, learn and apply in practice.

The operation of such clubs has fostered national consciousness, enhanced attitudes of respect for cultural heritage and responsibility for the development of the local community, forming pure and beautiful feelings in students.

In Muong Te district, the local authorities have completed the translation from Viet to ethnic minority languages and vice versa for some types of folk culture.

In order to contribute to preserving and developing the culture of ethnic groups in the district, improving the quality of education by linking knowledge content with local practices, to ensure effective implementation of the current educational program innovation, from the beginning of the 2022 - 2023 school year, Ta Hua Commune Kindergarten (Than Uyen district) has built a space to preserve culture and display artifacts of the three ethnic groups living in the commune: H’mong, Thai and Kho Mu. With 52 artifacts collected and displayed, they are original objects with practical meaning.

In addition, to help observers learn more deeply about the content, the school has created 52 QR codes on 52 artifacts to help viewers grasp information and trace the origin such as: product name, ethnicity, ingredients, how to make, how to use, when to use, notes when using...

According to Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Tong Thanh Hai, after nearly 2 years of implementation, it can be affirmed that preserving and promoting the traditional cultural identities of ethnic groups in schools is a correct and effective policy.

In the coming time, to help clubs operate effectively to preserve and promote the traditional cultural identities of ethnic groups in schools, Mr. Tong Thanh Hai said that, in addition to awareness, it is necessary to create the environment to effectively preserve and promote traditional culture of ethnic group, which are clubs, competitions, and festivals.

Especially, it is very important to promote the role of artisans, holders of fine cultural heritage and traditions, who are living museums to exploit, preserve and transmit to the next generation.

Lai Chau province is currently home to 20 ethnic groups, including Thai, Giay, Lao, Lu, Mang, Khang, Kho Mu, Mong, Dao, Ha Nhi, La Hu, Cong, Si La. Each ethnic group has its own traditions and cultural identities and together contribute to enriching the ethnic cultures of Lai Chau province.

Hoài Linh và nhóm PV, BTV