Bản Dộ-Tà Vờng, xã Trọng Hóa, huyện Minh Hóa có 100 hộ đồng bào Chứt sinh sống..jpg
There are 100 Chut ethnic households in Do - Ta Vong village in Trong Hoa commune, Minh Hoa district.

As one of 14 ethnic groups with a very small population in Vietnam, the Chut ethnic group includes smaller groups, including Sach, Ruc, May, Ma Lieng and Arem. The Chut people in the central province of Quang Binh account for 85% of the Chut people in the country, who live mainly in highland communes in Minh Hoa district, a small part of Bo Trach and Tuyen Hoa districts.

With the policy of "Leaving no one behind", the Party and State have implemented many national programs and policies such as Programs 134, 135, 30a, National target program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the period of 2021 - 2030, phase 1 from 2021 - 2030 (National Target Program 1719), so the life of the Chut people has been constantly improved.

Accordingly, in Minh Hoa district, more than 15,000 Chut ethnic households were supported with 10 billion VND to develop production through Program 135 for the period of 2013 - 2017.

Also, during this period, 140,000 Chut ethnic people were supported with seeds, cattle and poultry breeds worth 14 billion VND through the direct support policies for poor households in poor area.

At the same time, Chut people are provided with production land, vocational training, loans for production development... with a total cost of 114.5 billion VND.

The Standing Committee of the Quang Binh Provincial Party Committee, party committees of Minh Hoa, Bo Trach and Tuyen Hoa districts have assigned competent party members to take charge of communes where are home to the Chut people who still face many difficulties to support and assist them, thereby strengthening the political system and meeting the work of mobilizing the people in the new situation.

The Party Committee and the High Command of the Border Guard of Quang Binh province also have many solutions to help the Chut people develop the economy, eliminate hunger and reduce poverty, such as the model of helping Chut people in Ka Ai village, Dan Hoa commune, Minh Hoa plant wet rice, the program called light patterns in border areas... so the lives of people in many remote villages have changed a lot.

In the field of Party building, there have been more than 200 Chut ethnic party members. The quality of party members has also changed significantly.

Through Programs such as 134, 145, 30a, National Target Program 1719, infrastructure in the area where Chut people live is also invested synchronously and spaciously.

Up to now, 100% of villages and hamlets that are home to Chut people in Tuyen Hoa and Bo Trach districts and 41% of villages and hamlets in Minh Hoa district have asphalt roads. 100% of villages and hamlets of the Chut ethnic group in Minh Hoa and Tuyen Hoa districts have national grid power.

Chut is also one of 16 ethnic groups enjoying the project to support the socio-economic development of ethnic minorities with a very small population in the period of 2016 - 2025. The People's Committee of Quang Binh province and relevant agencies have designed a complete scenario with the goal of quickly bringing the Chut people out of hunger, reducing poverty, improving and enhancing their material and spiritual life in a sustainable way.

In 2021, the National Target Program 1719 was implemented, and many more construction projects will be invested in the Chut ethnic area in Quang Binh. Besides, the implementation of Project 1 has also helped many Chut households live in spacious houses.

In particular, a number of contents, sub-projects and projects of the Program will contribute to exploiting the potential and advantages of ethnic minority and mountainous areas, promoting economic development, ensuring ensure social security, reduce poverty quickly and sustainably. From there, it will gradually narrow the gap in living standards, gradually reduce the number of communes and villages with special difficulties, build a synchronous and inter-regional socio-economic infrastructure system, and comprehensively develop education and training, healthcare, culture...

The National Target Program 1719 also supports the construction of houses for ethnic minority households in difficult housing situations. In 2022 and 2023, Minh Hoa district have 430 households approved for housing support, most of whom are Chut people. Currently, the entire district has more than 175 households that will have new houses very soon.

Besides building houses and essential works, currently other projects and sub-projects in the National Target Program are still being implemented by Minh Hoa district. This will be an important support for the Chut people to continue to build a more prosperous life.

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