Vietnam ICT Summit 2016 officially launched on September 24 under the theme “Digital revolution - Opportunities and Challenges”.

microsoft partners with vietnam in accelerating digital transformation hinh 0

The annual event, organised by the Vietnam Software Association (VINASA) under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Information and Communications, aims at sharing policies, updating technologies and connecting national-scale and international enterprises.

The conference attracted the participation of over 500 delegates including senior leaders of ministries, industries and localities; leaders of business groups, state corporations, banks, businesses and organisations that have a large demand for IT applications to improve competitiveness. 

Particularly, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc attended and delivered a speech at the event. Deputy Prime Minister, cum chairman of the National Committee for IT Applications Vu Duc Dam also took part in the conference.

Key discussion at the conference this year focuses on four main topics including building start-up nation; the Internet of Things trend, Smart City; IT infrastructure development, cyber security and IT human resource development. 

Presiding at the talks are reputable persons, along with guests from relevant government agencies and localities as well as experts and reputable industry leaders across the country and abroad.

As the pioneer in the technology invention with broad and extensive experiences in IT solutions and applications, especially the leading capabilities in infrastructure, applications, cloud services and big data processing, Microsoft is the key guest of the whole event and intensive seminar as “Development of IT human resources” and “Trend of IoT and Smart City”. 

During the main presentations and speeches, speakers from Microsoft shared about the challenges facing the fourth technology revolutions, including data and information break the record of speed up; demand for advanced information analysis and data processing increased; cloud computing become the inevitable trend for all organisations and businesses. 

To overcome these challenges and develop, the appropriate transformation in the way of digital is imperative at the entire level of national, organisational and businesses.

“Microsoft's mission is to empower individuals and organisations worldwide to get more achievements. 

“Microsoft has been putting efforts in creating flexible platform accompanied with optimised services to help individuals and businesses innovate, building their own technology, creating more solutions and services and based on that to create a healthy and sustainable ecosystem. 

“Digital transformation represents Microsoft's ambition to create more personal computing experiences, improve operational performance and successfully build intelligent cloud platform,” said Vu Minh Tri, general director of Microsoft Vietnam. 

“Targeting a digital transformation, Microsoft has outlined a strategic plan matching with Vietnam ICT development plan by 2020, based on key areas such as IT infrastructure - cyber security, productivity and  competitiveness improvement for small and medium sized enterprises, and IT human resources and education development”, Tri asserted.

In details, Microsoft shared the “CityNext” solution that is for building smart cities. This is a comprehensive solution, offering vision, platforms and technologies that provide ability to connect from Cloud OS to sets of high productivity and optimised collaboration products for clients. 

Cloud OS is a Microsoft's cloud solution to support organisations and enterprises to build and develop private cloud, connect to public cloud, process and analyse super metadata system. 

It can be considered as the backbone which transforms to digital for cities and administrative units in order to facilitate in solving paper works and services issues at administrative units.

CityNext has a strategic role in supporting successful transformation to “Smart city” for big cities around the world such as New York, Mexico, London, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Barcelona, Hamburg and most recently Singapore.

Microsoft CityNext helps organisations to transform almost installed technology infrastructure to perform well in the new system as expectation. 

Thanks to modern solutions and big data platform from Microsoft CityNext, important information can transport seamlessly between departments, cities and between government, businesses and citizens, while the effective operation help urban to put more resources back to use in the community.

“Solutions, especially Microsoft's infrastructure will provide organisations the ability to grow, expand and compact to serve the needs and actual situation of IT's infrastructure, while ensuring the safety, security and privacy, ease of compatibility and easy access. 

“Integrating with the wide Microsoft Partner Network, CityNext can expand solutions and services and refresh organisations and businesses through minimum resources, helping administrative units to better serve citizens, driving the sustainable development of economy, society and the environment,” said Nguyen Ba Quynh, director of Public Sector at Microsoft.

On his closing speech, Truong Gia Binh, VINASA chairman and head of conference's organiser said, “The fourth industrial revolution has extremely high speed and large scale which enables to change all aspects of human life, offer enormous opportunities and challenges to all nations.

“The exploitation of Internet, Internet of Things, cloud, mobile, and social analytics are the foundation of these changes.”  

With various discussion sessions, the sixth Vietnam ICT Summit in 2016 has partly brought out the answers.