Mr. Nguyen Dang Nguyen was appointed as the new director of Vietnam Mobile Telecom Services One Member Limited Liability Company (Mobifone).


MobiFone organized the inauguration ceremony of the new director.

Mr. Nguyen Dang Nguyen has been the Deputy Director responsible for the technological field of the company for many years.

His challenging objectives at the moment are to give a feasible solution to increase the coverage of Mobifone and to improve information technology aspects so that Mobifone can transform from a traditional mobile network operator to a provider of integrated services of both telecommunications and information technology.

He is also expected to revive the spirits of the whole company after the AVG scandal, helping it back to its original leading position in telecommunications in the country.

Before this, on August 21, the Ministry of Information and Communications decided to fire ex-director Cao Duy Hai due to his faults related to the case of Mobifone buying 95 percent of AVG’s shares.

Mobifone announces that its priority now is to achieve all business goals of this year.

According to analysts, the 4-main-aim strategy of Mobifone has to be changed since it does not hold 95 percent of AVG’s shares anymore.