Mobile carriers have promised to keep subscriber data safe amid concerns that personal information including ID numbers and photos might be leaked.


A staff member of a VinaPhone transaction office in Hanoi uses a smartphone to photograph a subscriber who comes to provide personal data

Under Government Decree 49/2017/ND-CP, mobile subscribers are required to provide personal data, especially headshots.

The rule has stoked public concerns over risk of data leaks. In particular, users have expressed frustration with the photo requirement on social media and websites of carriers. 

A MobiFone representative told the Daily that subscriber data would be stored in the firm’s database and that it is the carrier’s responsibility to protect data under the Law on Telecommunications and other prevailing regulations.

Telecom firms are required to protect customer data as regulated in Government Decree 174/2013/ND-CP, said Viettel, adding it has solutions to data protection.

Another carrier, VinaPhone, on April 12 said it would closely control customer information and take responsibility for data leaks.

Subscribers are rushing to transaction offices of mobile carriers to have headshots taken or provide their own portraits.

Those users who have yet to register must provide personal information such as full name, ID number, and portrait photo.

If they fail to register or provide photos by April 24, they would lose their phone numbers.

VinaPhone and Viettel said they would send employees to houses of elderly people and rural areas for gather data.