news about VVietnam

Update news news about VVietnam

Manufacturers fear loss of household product market to foreigners

VietNamNet Bridge - The majority of Vietnamese are fond of foreign-made products, causing obstacles for Vietnamese household goods manufacturers. 

Hunting for pearls in Vietnam

VietNamNet Bridge - Big money has been poured into pearl projects in Vietnam, which has a long coastline of 3,600 kilometers, but profits have sometimes been unsatisfactory.

More land taken from natural reserves, national parks

VietNamNet Bridge - Road building projects that would pass through natural reserves have been proposed, while many resorts have been built in national parks. 

‘Drown’ vulnerability threatening computer systems

The Bach Khoa Anti-virus Center (BKAV), the leading internet security group, has warned that hundreds of important systems in Vietnam are at risk of having clients’ information stolen through vulnerability Drown on websites using https protocol. 

Banks still cannot put bad debt burden down

VietNamNet Bridge - The bad debt ratio of the banking system has decreased, but the bad debt value has begun to increase again.

High school students like geography, fear history

VietNamNet Bridge - A high percentage of students have decided to take the geography test for the 2016 high school finals, while history is the choice of very few students.

VTV to sell 49 percent of stake in VTVcab

VietNamNet Bridge - The national television VTV is looking for strategic partners for VTVcab, one of its subsidiaries now undergoing equitization.

Vietnamese super-rich willing to spend money on super cars

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnamese rich are spending enormous amounts of money for super cars.

New expansion wave in banking sector begins

VietNamNet Bridge - Commercial banks are rushing to set up more branches and transaction offices after a long period of interruption.

Preschool teachers’ salaries not high enough to cover basic needs

VietNamNet Bridge - Having to work 10 hours a day and bearing pressure, a preschool teacher can earn some VND3 million a month.

Trade surplus causes economists to sigh with relief

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnam witnessed a trade surplus of $865 million in the first two months of the year. However, it was foreign invested enterprises (FIEs) which deserved the credit.

Why do Japanese want a stake in Petrolimex?

VietNamNet Bridge - By the end of 2014, Petrolimex, the Vietnam Petroleum Import/Export Corporation (Petrolimex), held 48 percent of the domestic petroleum distribution market.

Securities companies afraid of becoming ‘foreign owned’

Many securities companies are wavering between lifting the room ceiling for foreign investors to 100 percent and staying Vietnamese-owned as they fear they will no longer receive preferences if they are foreign-owned.

Strange events surround instant coffee market

VietNamNet Bridge - What happened with the instant coffee market in 2015 showed that the market was unpredictable.

Big investment incentives only benefit foreign investors: experts

VietNamNet Bridge - Only foreign-invested automobile manufacturers can benefit from the current investment incentives, while Vietnamese automobile cannot grow, experts say.

Ignoring warnings, businesses still harbor ‘macadamia dream’

The Vietnam Macadamia Association has been officially set up under a decision by the Ministry of Interior Affairs. LienVietPost Bank and Him Lam JSC were two major businesses lobbying for the association.

The sorrow of the forests

VietNamNet Bridge - Local authorities and investors who are developing road and hydropower projects have promised to plant forests to offset the trees they fell. However, they have failed to keep their word.

Gloomy future for VN steel industry

VietNamNet Bridge - Steel mills now have to struggle to compete with imports from China. If the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) does not take temporary safeguard measures, a series of enterprises will go bankrupt.

Many export markets still have barriers to Vietnamese fruit

VietNamNet Bridge - Though Vietnam has fulfilled the procedures and paperwork related to plant quarantines in order to enter new markets, many countries are still slow to accept Vietnam’s products. 

FDI and Vietnam’s right to choose investors

Foreign investors have been flocking to Vietnam as they can see great opportunities here. Vietnam needs to use the right to choose investors in the best way so as to fully exploit foreign direct investment (FDI), experts say.