Thirty-two per cent of employees in Vietnam’s IT sector are unhappy with their current salary, according to the IT Skills, Benefits and Recruitment Trend in 2017 report released recently by VietnamWorks and the Navigos Group.


Only 12 per cent of IT employees are satisfied with their current salary while 56 per cent say it is acceptable and 32 per cent say they are unsatisfied.

“Professionals who are not satisfied with their salaries might be disengaged and may consider other opportunities,” the report noted.

Forty-four per cent of surveyed employees said they would consider changing jobs if better salary and benefits were offered.

According to the survey, salaries will be increased by between 6 and 20 per cent for the majority of IT professionals.

Vietnam’s IT sector employs around 190,000 people and by 2020 will need an additional 400,000. Only 32,000 students graduate in IT and related fields each year, however, and not all meet the requirements of recruiters.

Japanese businesses attract the most IT staff in Vietnam. According to surveys by the Vietnam Software and IT Services Association (VINASA) and the Vietnam-Japan IT Cooperation Club (VJC), Vietnamese firms that do business with Japanese partners all enjoy good growth, averaging 77 per cent, and some as high as 300-400 per cent.

They mainly cooperate in software and services outsourcing, business process outsourcing (BPO), mobile app development, and cloud computing. The number of Vietnamese engineers working for Japanese IT projects in the first half of 2016 increased 46.5 per cent year-on-year.

The Japan Information Technology Services Association (JISA) said that Vietnam is the second-largest software outsourcing destination for Japan, after China.

VN Economic Times