Vietnamese fishermen in Nghe An Province often exaggerate when boasting just how big their latest catch was.

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However, these fishermen have got the pictures to prove they really did capture a true whopper.

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For this monstrous ocean sunfish weighs an incredible one ton.

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They didn't strictly catch it, however. 

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In Vietnam, the sunfish is a rare species, listed in the Red Book and a protected species for which fishing is completely banned.

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They are found mainly in tropical seas.

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Many have been spotted basking in the sun on the surface of the water.

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They are particularly fond of drifting along with the ocean currents.

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The smaller sunfish tend to gather in schools while adults prefer to live alone.

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Fishermen have recently reported discovering sunfish in the Gulf of Tokin on several occasions. 

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They are easily to spot because of their enormous size.

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Sunfish are precious objects at marine museums around the globe.

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It is a rare type of fish in need of protection.

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This fish, spotted by fishermen in the Gulf of Tokin, unfortunately dies after getting tangled in a net.

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There is no chance to save it and release back into the wild, fishermen say.

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After docking back at shore, they contact the Vietnam National Museum of Nature to donate the fish for research and exhibit.