Dozens of households in Duc Tho District, Ha Tinh Province are complaining about pollution caused by an overloaded dumping site in the area.

Phuong Thanh dumping site is located near Tung Anh, Duc Long and Duc Hoa communes. However, due to overloading and lack of technology, rubbish has already spilled out onto the roads to Am Pagoda.

"Anytime I bring my bowl of rice up, a group of flies will gather. Everyone’s lost their appetite," 88-year-old Nguyen Thi Binh said.

Some families in Dong Xa Village, Duc Hoa Commune and Thach Thanh Village in Tung Anh Commune have to have meals under a mosquito net. Other try to find various ways to kill the flies to no avail because of the sheer number.

Le Thi Luc at Dong Xa Village said, "I used chemicals but the number of flies just increases so I gave up."

It's worse during the rainy season when they were constantly tortured by the foul smell. The rain also swept the rubbish and waste water into La River, causing pollution.

"We've reported to the district and communal people's committees but nothing has been done. Duong Duc Huong, and his family had to move out," said another local, Le Trong An.

Tran Thi Que, head of Dong Xa Village, said Phuong Thanh was the district's dumping site and they had no idea how to deal with the pollution.

Some photos of the pollution affecting people's lives in Duc Tho District:









Overloaded dumping site pollutes the environment


Dtinews/Lao Dong