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The Nam An Khanh Urban Area in Hanoi's Hoai Duc district experienced severe flooding after prolonged heavy rain on July 23-24. Once a luxurious residential area, it has now become a nightmare for its residents, struggling with submerged streets and waterlogged homes.
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The heavy rainfall left roads submerged, making it extremely difficult for residents to move around. A young man was seen pushing his motorcycle through the flooded streets.
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By late morning, many villas and adjacent houses remained surrounded by water. 
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Residents resorted to using wooden planks, tarps, sandbags, and styrofoam boxes to prevent water and debris from entering their homes.
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Two young men were seen rescuing a motorcycle from the basement of a villa. 
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The makeshift transportation services sprang into action to help people navigate the flooded area.
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Residents reported that the flooding began the previous day and worsened by the morning. One woman was seen crying as waves repeatedly hit her.
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Bank employees were observed elevating an ATM machine to prevent damage. 
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Some residents used carts to move their belongings to higher ground.
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A rescue vehicle navigated through the floodwaters, heading towards stranded cars to offer assistance. 
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The service road along Thang Long Boulevard, in front of the urban area, also faced significant difficulties, a common occurrence during prolonged heavy rain in Hanoi.

The Dai