Vietnam considers Russia a top important partner

In his opening remarks, President To Lam said: "On behalf of the Party, State, and people of Vietnam, I warmly welcome President Vladimir Putin and the high-ranking delegation of the Russian Federation to pay a state visit to Vietnam at the invitation of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong."

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President To Lam and Russian President Putin converse before the official talks. Photo: Minh Nhat

The President affirmed the visit's significance, coming as the two countries celebrate the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on the Basic Principles of Friendship between Vietnam and Russia, and move towards the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in 2025.

The two countries share a long-standing relationship and a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. "We always appreciate the wholehearted support and assistance of the Russian people in the past struggle for national independence and unification as well as the cause of national construction and development today," the Vietnamese President expressed.

Vietnam consistently considers Russia a leading important partner, wishing to develop with Russia the long-standing traditional friendship and good cooperation that generations of leaders of the two countries have worked hard to cultivate.

Informing the press, President To Lam said that he and President Putin had just had a very successful meeting, exchanging in-depth views on cooperation and sharing perspectives on international issues of mutual concern.

"For the purpose of national development, we agree on major orientations and measures to strengthen the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Vietnam and Russia," said President To Lam.

The two sides agreed to strengthen relations based on equality, mutual benefit, and non-interference in each other's internal affairs, following the fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter and international law. They agreed not to form alliances or agreements with third parties that harm each other's independence, sovereignty, and interests, and to actively contribute to world peace and friendship.

President To Lam speaks at the press conference. 

Regarding diplomacy, the two sides agreed to promote political trust through increased contacts and exchanges of delegations at all levels, enhancing cooperation mechanisms of the Party, State, Government, National Assembly, ministries, branches, localities, and exchanges between generations, especially the young generation.

President To Lam emphasized that economic cooperation is a pillar of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. The two sides agreed to continue effectively implementing and negotiating to upgrade the Vietnam-Eurasian Economic Union free trade agreement, and to make efforts to remove difficulties and obstacles.

The two sides support continuing to improve the effectiveness of key projects in the field of oil and gas energy, creating favorable conditions for businesses of the two countries to expand investment and operate in each other's territories according to the laws of the two countries and international law, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

They agreed to study cooperation in new and clean energy fields to contribute to green transformation and sustainable development.

The two sides wish to promote defense and security cooperation, responding to non-traditional security challenges based on international law and practice, and contributing to regional and world peace and security.

They agreed to strengthen cooperation in transport, science and technology, innovation, education and training, vocational training and labor, contributing to creating new momentum for economic development, culture and arts, tourism, and people-to-people exchange, especially among the young generation. They aim to create favorable conditions for people of the two countries to travel and enhance understanding and friendship between Vietnam and Russia.

The leaders of the two countries agreed to continue creating favorable conditions for the Vietnamese community in Russia and Russian citizens in Vietnam to live, study, and work stably, serving as an important bridge for the traditional friendship between the two countries.

Regarding regional and international issues, Vietnam and Russia support building a democratic, fair, and transparent international relations system based on international law and the Charter of the United Nations. This includes not using force or threatening to use force and resolving disputes by peaceful means. They support a new, open, inclusive, transparent, and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system based on the World Trade Organization, and an equal, non-divided, open, and transparent Asia-Pacific regional structure with ASEAN's central role based on international law. They also promote economic integration including APEC, G20, ASEAN, and Asia-Europe Economic Cooperation.

Regarding the East Sea, President To Lam emphasized that the two sides support ensuring security, safety, and freedom of navigation and aviation, and resolving disputes by peaceful means in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and international law, especially the 1982 UNCLOS. They support the full implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and early negotiations towards a substantive, effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea in accordance with international law.

President To Lam expressed confidence that with the great success of President Putin's visit to Vietnam, together with the will and determination of the leaders and the efforts of all levels, ministries, branches, and people of the two countries, the relationship between Vietnam and Russia will continue to develop more strongly.

On this occasion, the two sides adopted a Joint Statement on deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. Various ministries, branches, and agencies from both sides signed numerous cooperation documents.

President Putin’s visit strengthens Russia-Vietnam relations

For his part, Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, the leaders, and the people of Vietnam for their warm welcome to the Russian delegation. He said he had witnessed the hospitality and warmth of the people of Hanoi.

"I would like to emphasize that Russia attaches great importance to the comprehensive strategic partnership with Vietnam and this relationship will continue to develop, consistently, in the spirit of equality, mutual respect, and respect for each other's interests," said President Putin.

According to President Putin, Vietnam and Russia are connected by a common history, and in 2025, the two countries will celebrate the 75th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations. They have also just celebrated the 30th anniversary of signing the Treaty on the Basic Principles of Friendship between Vietnam and Russia. This is a fundamental document, serving as a basis for building and developing the relationship between the two countries.

President Putin said that the Joint Statement adopted by the two heads of state supported the principles of the Russia-Vietnam Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. These are new directions for the cooperation between the two countries in the future.

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Russian President Putin at the press conference. 

Appreciating the talks, President Putin said that the two countries specifically discussed key development directions and important international and regional issues, focusing on economic and trade cooperation.

President Putin noted that the Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union, which came into effect in 2016, has created favorable conditions for market access and investment between the two countries.

He particularly appreciated the energy cooperation between the two countries, especially the effectiveness of the Vietsovpetro joint venture over the past 40 years.

The Russian President emphasized the cultural and educational cooperation between the two countries. Currently, more than 3,000 Vietnamese students and postgraduates are studying at Russian universities. The upcoming Vietnam Cultural Day in Russia from July 1 to 7, 2024, is also of interest.

The leaders of the two countries mentioned several key international and regional issues.

"I would like to emphasize that the positions of Russia and Vietnam on these issues are close or similar. Our two countries consistently uphold the role of international law, sovereignty, and non-interference in each other's internal affairs as a key principle," President Putin affirmed.

He emphasized that the leaders of Russia and Vietnam are interested in building a sustainable and reasonable regional structure in the Asia-Pacific region, based on the principles of non-use of force and peaceful resolution of disputes, without military-political blocs.

The Russian President believes that the visit will create completely favorable conditions for the Russia-Vietnam Comprehensive Strategic Partnership to continue to develop in many fields.

Tran Thuong - Pham Hai