The incident occurred at 3:00 a.m. on June 16, when Mr. D.H.L. woke up to check on his room during heavy rain. He was suddenly struck by lightning and lost consciousness.

His family quickly rushed him to the district medical center for emergency treatment. Upon arrival, Mr. D.H.L. was conscious but in severe pain, displaying signs of agitation and distress.

The lightning strike had caused a rectangular burn on his left elbow, approximately 10x18cm in size, suspected to be the output of an electric spark. His left back area was severely burned, turning brown-black, and his left leg showed signs of reduced mobility.

Doctors diagnosed the patient with third- and fourth-degree electrical burns on his back, left arm, left thigh, and left foot, covering about 40% of his body.

As of June 18, Mr. D.H.L.'s condition had stabilized, and he was being monitored and treated at the Department of Surgery at Bac Son District Medical Center.

In light of this incident, doctors have emphasized the importance of safety during thunderstorms. They advise people to limit outdoor activities during storms and seek safe shelter. It is crucial to avoid open areas, large trees, high-voltage power poles, and not to take shelter under eaves or stand in large groups.

If caught outdoors, individuals should stay as low to the ground as possible, preferably standing on tiptoe or sitting down while covering their ears with their hands.

It is also essential to refrain from using electronic devices during thunderstorms and to disconnect electrical equipment in the house when thunder and lightning occur.

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