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Decision making is a complex, difficult and extremely important task for producers. What to produce, who to produce for, how to produce, the form of design, product quality, and when to produce are always questions posed to all economic entities, especially farmers.

To make the right decision, farmers need a lot of information, especially market information. Only when provided with complete information can producers, specifically women, be able to make the right decisions to answer the above questions.

Ethnic minority and mountainous areas have many endemic local products. Ethnic people in Tan Son district are currently the main producers of many local specialties such as: lung pork, chicken, sour pork, thinh fish, fragrant sticky rice, potatoes, yellow chalk bananas...

The disadvantage of these products is that they have a short shelf life and cannot be preserved for a long time, while the time needed to go from the producer to the consumer is long with the requirement to maintain the same quality and taste of products.

The application of information technology in goods consumption will contribute to promoting innovation and improving capacity, effectiveness and efficiency in agricultural development in Tan Son. Information technology can be applied in the consumption of goods to promote innovation and improve capacity, effectiveness and efficiency in agricultural development such as: applying information technology in production and consumption of agricultural products; promoting the landscape, natural beauty, people, cultural identity, potential and tourism products; promoting local specialties; e-commerce applications to promote domestic and export market development...

The current status of access and application of information in consuming goods by ethnic minority women in Tan Son district is assessed at a fairly average level by the University of Economics, Vietnam National University - Hanoi.

Ethnic minority women in the district are also somewhat able to evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of information about state mechanisms and policies that they have access to. From there, they can make decisions in applying the information to the actual production and consumption of products of their families and community.

However, according to a survey by the University of Economics, Vietnam National University - Hanoi, the main product consumption channels of ethnic minority women in Tan Son district are still through traders and self-retail. In particular, the role of traders is very important, being the main consumption channel of farm households, accounting for about 60% - 70% of total consumed products.

Farmers often choose to sell to traders rather than companies because the traders' demands for products are not too high, the quantity consumed is large, and payment is made immediately upon transaction. Farmers do not want to sell to companies because the price is low and they have to sell on credit to the company and the debt period is long (up to several months).

Although consuming agricultural products is a constant worry for ethnic minority women in Tan Son, they are still struggling in the vicious cycle of focusing on livestock and farming and then worrying about finding a way out for products, but the reality is that the indexes seek information about the State's mechanisms and policies; market development trends; market demand (price, design, quality, quantity...); competitors; applying science and technology in production and consumption; Production inputs (price, quality, quantity)... are all at an average level.

Ms. Le Thi Thuy - Former Director of the Women's Development Center - emphasized the huge challenges facing local agricultural products such as: high requirements on product labels, packaging, and maximum residue of chemicals in agricultural products, legality of raw materials used...

Therefore, promoting product consumption is promoting production development and increasing access to market information to sell agricultural products, which will go a long way in eliminating hunger and reducing poverty as well as empowering more ethnic minority women.

In the new context, to sustainably eliminate hunger and reduce poverty, we must aim to improve people's self-reliance, especially the market access capacity of ethnic minorities, including ethnic minority women.

When ethnic minority women have the ability to search for market information and process market information, production and consumption of products will inevitably be market-oriented, and the economic life of households will be also improved, women's status in the family will be raised.

Dr. Nguyen Cao Duc, Secretary of the Local Project Program, Deputy Director of the Research Institute of America, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences said that based on studying the current situation and organizing many scientific seminars, the research team has compiled many proposed solutions from managers, scientists, independent consultants... to promote access and application of market information among ethnic minority women to consume goods they produce.

That is to propose and recommend to the government that there should be policies to create conditions for farmers to develop markets with QR codes; promote the role of traditional information channels and use social networks to honestly communicate the production, preliminary processing, and processing of indigenous products, creating valuable distribution channels of high transaction and consumption value.

Brand building and geographical indications are associated with brand building to enhance product value and create high reputation with consumers. Besides, promoting the influence of famous figures and media through traditional festivals of ethnic minorities in the marketing process; Building websites and production information videos to promote and affirm product brands; Introducing the stories behind products associated with consumers' desires...

These solutions are not only valuable for reference for ethnic minority women in Tan Son district but can also be applied to other ethnic minority and mountainous areas.

Kim Chi và nhóm PV, BTV